Bed and Breakfast Camere da Beppe


Bed and Breakfast Camere da Beppe is a Bed and breakfast in Danta di Cadore
24 maggio n.8


The bed and breakfast is located in the beautiful Valcomelico in Belluno and precisely Danta di Cadore mountain village surrounded by a beautiful landscape. You can make beautiful walks in contact with nature, and in search of the famous red and white porcino.Il bed and breakfast 'consists of three double bedrooms with bathrooms, breakfast room, TV room, and two kitchens where guests can prepare lunch .


CAMERA genziana

CAMERA genziana

Bed 60 €

CAMERA stella alpina

CAMERA stella alpina

Bed 60 €

CAMERA primula

CAMERA primula

Bed 60 €


  • kitchen to get lunch and dinner
  • Breakfast
  • TV

Where we are

danta of Cadore is situated in the beautiful valcomelico in the province of Belluno, Veneto Italy


danta di cadore


danta di cadore

danta di cadore


danta di cadore

Interesting and near places


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