B&B en suite


B&B en suite is a Bed and breakfast in Matera
Via Bruno Buozzi


You can find “B&B en suite” on the only road which crosses “Sasso Caveoso”, it is inside an old building recently restored. It is a bright and comfortable flat together with panoramic windows and a balcony, there are two very high and uneven tufaceous vaults; bath-room and entrance are independent. Inside the “B&B” you can sit down and read, there are books, magazines and leaflets about Matera; there is a tv and a fridge, in the winter, the fire-place will make you to fill more relaxed. Original and particular stairs will bring you to the first floor into a hospitable kitchen where you will be served an abundant breakfast made by the landlady with organic products and home made cakes. If you like, we will drive you to visit hidden corners in the “Sassi”, old churches in the rock, tufo quarries. A private parking after 150 metres.

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